Extracurricular Activities
Students at SRTMS have access to a wide range of activities outside of the classroom. Check back for continuing updates on programs that will be offered during the 2023-2024 school year:
- Band
- AccEagles - SRTMS own choir for 4th-8th grade students
- Middle School interest groups are based on student interests and are run by students. Clubs change yearly based on the interests of the group.
Created in June 2010, the Pleasant Valley School District Youth Arts Academy is dedicated to providing 1st - 8th grade students in Ventura County with positive, creative, and educational experiences in the arts. The 2022/2023 session, taught by qualified instructors and supported by PVSD, SOKM, and CICA focuses on visual and performing arts including art, ceramics, strings, band, and voice. Pleasant Valley School District, Save Our Kids’ Music and Channel Islands Choral Association are excited to continue this superb program during the 2023-2024 school year.
General Information for SRTMS Band Classes
- Classes are before school from 7:00 am - 8:00 am on Monday and Thursday for 4th-8th grade students.
- Classes begin the week of October 1 and end the week of May 20.
- No prior music experience is needed for Santa Rosa Beginning Band.
- Instruction is available for the following instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Percussion
- Band students will need an instrument and the Standard of Excellence Book 1 (method book).
- PVSD has a limited number of instruments available to loan out, based on financial need.
Questions should be directed to Mr. Rene Godina, SRTMS Band Director
Phone: (805) 822-8507
Email: rgodina@pvsd.k12.ca.us