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Teaching with Technology

New Technology Standards

The staff has been working hard to refresh our technology standards.  We have completed them, and want to make every parent aware of our new standards at each grade level.  Our goal is to increase student achievement by redefining our technology standards at each grade level and by having our students strive to meet those standards.  We hope the increased technology proficiency will lead to deeper learning and higher achievement.

It was a collaborative process where the teachers worked together to create SRTMS technology standards for each grade level.
Teachers worked back from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards to update our standards.
These standards are what all stakeholders can expect our students to be proficient in at the end of the academic year.
TK/Kindergarten Standards
1st Grade Standards
2nd Grade Standards
3rd Grade Standards
4th Grade Standards
5th Grade Standards
Middle School Standards